One of Prolific’s most recent success stories is the re-branding of attorney Paul Powell. We were initially hired to do photography for billboards and then billboard design. Not wanting to just execute the assignment with no Brand context, we did an extensive brand assessment which resulted in the creation of the tagline, “More Lawyer. Less Fee.” and a distinctive visual style. Together, these critical branding elements made Paul stand out in a sea of attorneys in a litigious market and enhanced his Brand Value on multiple levels.


Since the re-branding, Paul Powell has gone literally from a No-Name to a Household-Name! The campaign has been recognized nationwide, throughout social media, and even led to a high-profile spoof creating Public Relations opportunities we couldn’t have dreamt of!


Prolific created and manages the production of the majority of creative assets in the ever-growing “More Lawyer. Less Fee.” campaign. This includes outdoor, TV, print ads, digital ads, marketing collateral, and photography. We have collaborated with other agencies as needed to ensure Brand consistency across all media and channels.


Paul’s TV commercials air on CBS, FOX, Travel Channel, Oxygen, and more.. The :30 and :15 spots enhance his Brand Value,  adding personality to all of his other marketing communications.  They resonate with an incredibly diverse crowd and have even developed a cult-like following….of little kids!

It’s Time to Build Your Brand Value

It starts with one simple step: to complete our “Proprietary Brand Value Assessment.”
It’s Easy!
You only need to invest few hours of your time initially, and then we do the rest!
From the assessment, you will get an actionable, step-by-step guide of building your Brand Value and successfully positioning your brand as THE BETTER BRAND, allowing you to gain a competitive advantage and increase your profit margins.
Find Your Brand Value
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Our individual creative services develop assets that are resonant and highly effective in supporting result-driven Brands and campaigns.
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